I've always had trouble finding the right products for me. This routine seems to work really well! I plan on switching it up in the winter time. However, I believe the moisturizer is thick enough for the cold, frosty weather.
I've heard a lot of good things about the Clean & Clear Advantage line, this was a major factor in my purchase. This Clean & Clear has 2% salicylic acid.
The next product I purchased was this acne spot treatment. I have to say that this Spectro works 10x faster than the Clearsil one. I posted a review for it on my blog. I prefer this one. I think Spectro is only available in Canada, however I'm itching to try the entire line. This was my first Spectro purchase.
It really works in an instant. You're supposed to apply it twice a day, which is what I do. I generally rub it over the affected areas and let it dry. It's not as drying as the Clearsil brand.
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